Funny Newspaper Names

1300+ Funny Newspaper Names [Creative Ideas]

Funny Newspaper Names bring a burst of laughter to everyday news. These amusing and clever headlines play with words to turn routine stories into something entertaining and memorable. Imagine a newspaper with a title like “The Daily Chuckle” or “The Laugh Times” – it immediately makes you curious and puts a smile on your face. By mixing humor with current events, funny newspaper names make news more enjoyable and engaging for readers.

In today’s media landscape, funny newspaper names are more than just a gimmick. They’re a creative way to grab attention and make headlines stand out. Whether it’s a humorous take on local news or a playful twist on world events, these names help newspapers stand out in a crowded market. With the right funny name, a paper can attract more readers and keep them coming back for more laughs.

Funny Newspaper Names: Top Hilarious Headlines That Will Make You Laugh

Funny Newspaper Names turn ordinary headlines into something delightful and memorable. By using clever wordplay and humor, these names make news more engaging and entertaining. They add a playful twist to journalism, capturing attention and making readers smile.

Funny Newspaper Names Ideas

  • The Daily Chuckle
  • The Laugh Times
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Snicker Sheet
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Haha Herald
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Quirk Quarterly
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Smirk Tribune
  • The Amused Almanac
  • The Guffaw Gazette
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Happy Herald
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Satire Sentinel
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Fun Times
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Zany Zephyr
  • The Amusing Advocate
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Playful Post
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Wacky Weekly
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Jesting Journal
  • The Whimsy Weekly
  • The Punny Paper
  • The Gleeful Gazette
  • The Happy Happenings
  • The Snicker News
  • The Sassy Sentinel
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Laugh Track
  • The Goofy Gazette
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Merriment Mail
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Zestful Zephyr
  • The Fun Forum
  • The Cheery Chronicle
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Merry Messenger
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Amusing Almanac
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Hooting Herald
  • The Puzzled Paper
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Laugh-a-Minute Ledger
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Merry Mailer
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Gleeful Gazette
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Fun Files
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Quirky Quarterly
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Mirthful Monitor

These names offer a fun and creative spin, perfect for adding a touch of humor to any publication.

Creative Newspaper Names

  • The Urban Observer
  • The Epoch Express
  • The Pinnacle Post
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Vanguard Voice
  • The Insight Inquirer
  • The Nexus News
  • The Beacon Bulletin
  • The Summit Sentinel
  • The Chronicle Courier
  • The Frontier Forum
  • The Spectrum Journal
  • The Catalyst Chronicle
  • The Verve View
  • The Prism Press
  • The Pulse Papers
  • The Odyssey Observer
  • The Radiant Register
  • The Zenith Zephyr
  • The Atlas Almanac
  • The Beacon Breeze
  • The Horizon Headlines
  • The Echo Examiner
  • The Mosaic Magazine
  • The Pioneer Post
  • The Innovator Inquirer
  • The Quantum Quota
  • The Reflector Review
  • The Stellar Sentinel
  • The Insightful Issue
  • The Elevation Express
  • The Crest Chronicle
  • The Novel News
  • The Epoch Examiner
  • The Pinnacle Press
  • The Terra Times
  • The Frontier Files
  • The Visionary Voice
  • The Nexus Notes
  • The Aurora Almanac
  • The Zenith Journal
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Prism Pages
  • The Catalyst Courier
  • The Radiant Report
  • The Spectrum Sentinel
  • The Odyssey Observer
  • The Verve Viewpoint
  • The Pulse Pages
  • The Atlas Announcer
  • The Beacon Bulletin
  • The Summit Stories
  • The Vanguard Views
  • The Epoch Examiner
  • The Crest Courier
  • The Insightful Insights
  • The Horizon Headlines
  • The Innovator Issue
  • The Nexus Newsflash
  • The Radiant Review
  • The Pinnacle Papers
  • The Catalyst Chronicles
  • The Visionary Views
  • The Reflector Report
  • The Quantum Quarterly
  • The Terra Tribune
  • The Pioneer Pages
  • The Atlas Articles
  • The Radiant Register
  • The Beacon Breeze
  • The Spectrum Stories
  • The Summit Sheet
  • The Insight Issue
  • The Epoch Edition
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Nova News
  • The Vanguard Volume
  • The Prism Press
  • The Crest Chronicle
  • The Innovator Insights
  • The Zenith Zine
  • The Radiant Reporter
  • The Terra Times
  • The Pulse Press
  • The Beacon Bulletin
  • The Spectrum Sheet
  • The Catalyst Column
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Quantum Quota
  • The Summit Stories

These names blend creativity and sophistication, making them suitable for a wide range of newspaper styles and themes.

Fictional Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Planet
  • The Gotham Gazette
  • The Metropolis Times
  • The Arkham Chronicle
  • The Star City Sentinel
  • The Rivendell Review
  • The Narnia News
  • The Hogsmeade Herald
  • The Middle-Earth Mail
  • The Emerald City Express
  • The Westeros Weekly
  • The Atlantis Advertiser
  • The Neverland News
  • The Panem Post
  • The Camelot Courier
  • The Mordor Monitor
  • The Neverwhere News
  • The Utopia Update
  • The Shire Standard
  • The Asgardian Announcer
  • The Whovian Weekly
  • The Hobbit Herald
  • The Tatooine Tribune
  • The Metaverse Monitor
  • The Enchanted Examiner
  • The Oz Observer
  • The CyberCity Chronicle
  • The Valinor Voice
  • The Rapture Report
  • The Wonderland Watch
  • The Elysium Express
  • The Arcadia Announcer
  • The Cybertron Courier
  • The Elven Echo
  • The Zootopia Zephyr
  • The Ryloth Register
  • The Themyscira Times
  • The El Dorado Examiner
  • The Vortex Voice
  • The Hyrule Herald
  • The Pandora Post
  • The Ghostbusters Gazette
  • The Starfleet Sentinel
  • The Tesseract Tribune
  • The Vulcan View
  • The Lothlórien Ledger
  • The Atlantis Almanac
  • The Mythos Monitor
  • The Gallifrey Gazette
  • The Hoth Herald
  • The Slytherin Standard
  • The Gryffindor Gazette
  • The Stark Sentinel
  • The Neverland Nugget
  • The Dark Tower Dispatch
  • The Coruscant Chronicle
  • The Westerly Weekly
  • The Arcane Advertiser
  • The Atlantis Atlas
  • The Galactic Gazette
  • The Avalon Announcer
  • The Shadowlands Sheet
  • The Rapture Review
  • The Wonderland Whistle
  • The Inferno Inquirer
  • The Dreamland Dispatch
  • The Expanse Examiner
  • The Mystic Monitor
  • The Chronos Chronicle
  • The Magic Moonlight Mail
  • The Astral Announcer
  • The Narnia Navigator
  • The Celestial Courier
  • The Terra Times
  • The Warp Weekly
  • The Quantum Quota
  • The Labyrinth Ledger
  • The Nimbus News
  • The Metropolis Messenger
  • The Superhero Sentinel
  • The Neo-NYC News
  • The Neverwhere Notifier
  • The Metaverse Messenger
  • The Galactic Gazette
  • The Epic Epoch
  • The Cyber Chronicles
  • The Quantum Quarterly
  • The Celestial Chronicle
  • The Fantastic Frontier
  • The Temporal Times

These fictional newspaper names cover a broad spectrum of genres and settings, perfect for any creative project or storytelling needs.

Clever Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Dose
  • The Sharp Sheet
  • The Bright Bulletin
  • The Smart Sentinel
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Clever Chronicle
  • The Insight Inquirer
  • The Brainy Bulletin
  • The Sage Sentinel
  • The Ponder Post
  • The Savvy Sheet
  • The Bright Beacon
  • The Genius Gazette
  • The Dapper Dispatch
  • The Perceptive Press
  • The Sharp Story
  • The Whiz Weekly
  • The Wise Wire
  • The Savvy Sentinel
  • The Quick Quota
  • The Insightful Issue
  • The Crafty Chronicle
  • The Bright Brief
  • The Brainwave Bulletin
  • The Keen Courier
  • The Smart Scoop
  • The Nimble News
  • The Artful Announcer
  • The Sharp Scribe
  • The Clever Communique
  • The Genius Journal
  • The Bright Beacon
  • The Perceptive Post
  • The Savvy Stories
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Sharp Observer
  • The Insightful Inquirer
  • The Dashing Dispatch
  • The Clever Courier
  • The Bright Bulletin
  • The Astute Announcer
  • The Brainy Brief
  • The Sage Scoop
  • The Crafty Courier
  • The Smart Sheet
  • The Bright Beacon
  • The Keen Keeper
  • The Shrewd Sheet
  • The Quick Quill
  • The Savvy Script
  • The Wise Weekly
  • The Clever Chronicle
  • The Dapper Dispatch
  • The Insightful Inquirer
  • The Brilliant Bulletin
  • The Clever Communique
  • The Nimble News
  • The Shrewd Sentinel
  • The Sharp Sheet
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Savvy Scoop
  • The Brilliant Brief
  • The Crafty Courier
  • The Perceptive Post
  • The Smart Sentinel
  • The Keen Journal
  • The Insightful Issue
  • The Shrewd Sheet
  • The Quick Quota
  • The Dashing Dispatch
  • The Wise Wire
  • The Brainy Bulletin
  • The Clever Communique
  • The Sharp Story
  • The Savvy Sheet
  • The Bright Brief
  • The Insightful Inquirer
  • The Genius Gazette
  • The Nimble News
  • The Sage Scoop
  • The Crafty Chronicle
  • The Dapper Dispatch
  • The Smart Sheet
  • The Quick Quota
  • The Shrewd Sentinel
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Keen Courier
  • The Brainwave Bulletin
  • The Brilliant Brief
  • The Clever Chronicle

These names combine wit, intelligence, and a touch of creativity to make any newspaper stand out.

Best Funny Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Chuckle
  • The Laugh Times
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Snicker Sheet
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Haha Herald
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Quirk Quarterly
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Smirk Tribune
  • The Amused Almanac
  • The Guffaw Gazette
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Happy Herald
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Satire Sentinel
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Fun Times
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Zany Zephyr
  • The Amusing Advocate
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Playful Post
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Wacky Weekly
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Jesting Journal
  • The Whimsy Weekly
  • The Punny Paper
  • The Gleeful Gazette
  • The Happy Happenings
  • The Snicker News
  • The Sassy Sentinel
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Laugh Track
  • The Goofy Gazette
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Merriment Mail
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Zestful Zephyr
  • The Fun Forum
  • The Cheery Chronicle
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Merry Messenger
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Amusing Almanac
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Hooting Herald
  • The Puzzled Paper
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Laugh-a-Minute Ledger
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Merry Mailer
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Gleeful Gazette
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Fun Files
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Quirky Quarterly
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Mirthful Monitor

These names are designed to bring humor and charm to any publication, making it both memorable and enjoyable for readers.

Common Newspaper Names

  • The Daily News
  • The Times
  • The Herald
  • The Gazette
  • The Tribune
  • The Post
  • The Chronicle
  • The Observer
  • The Journal
  • The Courier
  • The Dispatch
  • The Sentinel
  • The Review
  • The Record
  • The Sun
  • The Standard
  • The Monitor
  • The Beacon
  • The Ledger
  • The Press
  • The Daily Mail
  • The Morning Star
  • The Evening News
  • The News
  • The Times-Picayune
  • The Daily Bulletin
  • The Weekly
  • The Globe
  • The Advocate
  • The Sun-Times
  • The Daily Telegraph
  • The Evening Tribune
  • The News Journal
  • The Daily Sentinel
  • The Post-Gazette
  • The Daily Chronicle
  • The Record-Times
  • The City Times
  • The State Journal
  • The City Herald
  • The News Tribune
  • The Post-Dispatch
  • The National Post
  • The Daily Courier
  • The World News
  • The Journal-News
  • The Daily Review
  • The Weekly Tribune
  • The Times-Union
  • The Public Ledger
  • The Local Observer
  • The Community News
  • The Federal News
  • The Metropolitan Times
  • The Capitol Chronicle
  • The Southern Journal
  • The Regional Record
  • The Daily Dispatch
  • The State Times
  • The Local Herald
  • The City Journal
  • The Town Times
  • The State Sentinel
  • The Federal Tribune
  • The Morning News
  • The Evening Gazette
  • The Daily Report
  • The National Tribune
  • The Capital Courier
  • The Global Gazette
  • The Weekly Observer
  • The Daily Journal
  • The Evening Review
  • The Morning Herald
  • The National Observer
  • The Urban Times
  • The Central News
  • The Prime Post
  • The Regional Tribune
  • The Daily Globe
  • The City Report
  • The Public Press
  • The Weekly Review
  • The Local Times
  • The Capital Chronicle
  • The Daily Beacon
  • The National Record
  • The City Courier
  • The Morning Report
  • The Federal Herald

These names cover a broad spectrum of traditional and widely recognized newspaper titles, suitable for a variety of news outlets and media formats.

Unique Newspaper Names

  • The Urban Echo
  • The Velvet Voice
  • The Quantum Quill
  • The Neon Navigator
  • The Pulse Press
  • The Crescent Chronicle
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Vanguard View
  • The Ember Examiner
  • The Prism Pages
  • The Nexus News
  • The Starlight Sentinel
  • The Ember Express
  • The Mosaic Messenger
  • The Echo Enquirer
  • The Summit Sheet
  • The Radiant Register
  • The Zenith Zine
  • The Enigma Edition
  • The Aurora Almanac
  • The Verve View
  • The Pinnacle Post
  • The Luminous Ledger
  • The Spectrum Scoop
  • The Whispering Wire
  • The Beacon Bulletin
  • The Ember Echo
  • The Vortex Voice
  • The Stellar Standard
  • The Nova News
  • The Intrigue Inquirer
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Quantum Quarterly
  • The Mirage Messenger
  • The Apex Announcer
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Aurora Announcer
  • The Zenith Zephyr
  • The Eclipse Edition
  • The Enchanted Examiner
  • The Celestial Courier
  • The Luminary Ledger
  • The Radiant Review
  • The Vanguard Voice
  • The Pulse Pages
  • The Visionary View
  • The Metamorphosis Messenger
  • The Crest Chronicle
  • The Prismatic Press
  • The Pinnacle Post
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Spark Sentinel
  • The Nova Navigator
  • The Ember Edition
  • The Radiance Register
  • The Arcadia Announcer
  • The Beacon Bulletin
  • The Twilight Tribune
  • The Zenith Journal
  • The Frontier Flyer
  • The Aurora Advocate
  • The Nimbus News
  • The Elysian Examiner
  • The Spectrum Sentinel
  • The Ethereal Edition
  • The Cosmic Courier
  • The Meridian Messenger
  • The Twilight Times
  • The Quantum Quota
  • The Nebula News
  • The Stellar Sheet
  • The Nimbus News
  • The Aurora Atlas
  • The Prism Post
  • The Pinnacle Press
  • The Radiant Report
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Phoenix Pages
  • The Apex Announcer
  • The Enigma Edition
  • The Pulse Post
  • The Quantum Chronicle
  • The Vortex View
  • The Beacon Bulletin
  • The Mirage Monitor
  • The Celestial Chronicle
  • The Radiance Review
  • The Stellar Standard
  • The Enchanted Edition
  • The Horizon Herald

These names offer a creative twist, giving any publication a distinct and memorable identity.

Satirical Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Absurd
  • The Chuckle Tribune
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Whimsy Weekly
  • The Mocking Monitor
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Farce Frontier
  • The Satire Sentinel
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Irony Inquirer
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Hilarity Herald
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Nonsense News
  • The Parody Post
  • The Absurd Announcer
  • The Playful Press
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Wacky Weekly
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Sarcasm Sheet
  • The Foolish Flyer
  • The Humorous Herald
  • The Zany Zephyr
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Funny Forecast
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Satiresphere
  • The Absurd Almanac
  • The Mock Mail
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Ridiculous Record
  • The Comedic Chronicle
  • The Whimsy Wire
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Laugh-a-Minute
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Snicker Sheet
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Irony Index
  • The Satirical Sentinel
  • The Funny Frontier
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Amused Almanac
  • The Humorous Herald
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Mock Monitor
  • The Laughs of Liberty
  • The Punning Post
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Wisecrack Weekly
  • The Satire Standard
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Guffaw Gazette
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Laugh Lines
  • The Parody Press
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Satirical Sheet
  • The Humorous Headlines
  • The Nonsense News
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Funny Files
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Whimsy Weekly
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Absurd Ads
  • The Satirical Scoop
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Comical Chronicle
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Droll Dispatch

These names play with satire and humor, ideal for any publication looking to entertain and engage readers with a playful perspective.

Old Funny Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Chuckle
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Whimsy Weekly
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Amused Almanac
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Hilarity Herald
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Zany Zephyr
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Fun Files
  • The Satire Sheet
  • The Playful Post
  • The Happy Herald
  • The Farce Flyer
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Dapper Dispatch
  • The Absurd Almanac
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Fanciful Flyer
  • The Wacky Weekly
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Hooting Herald
  • The Wisecrack Weekly
  • The Amusing Announcer
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Playful Press
  • The Happy Happenings
  • The Absurd Announcer
  • The Laugh-a-Minute Ledger
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Funny Forecast
  • The Comic Chronicle
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Merry Mailer
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Laugh Lines
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Ridiculous Record
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Amused Almanac
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Guffaw Gazette
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Jesting Journal
  • The Humorous Herald
  • The Dapper Dispatch
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Satirical Sentinel
  • The Fun Forum
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Playful Press
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Absurd Review
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Droll Daily

These names combine an old-time feel with a humorous twist, perfect for a publication that aims to entertain while providing a nostalgic touch.

Funny Fake Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Giggle
  • The Funnies Flyer
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Wacky Wire
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Absurd Observer
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Snicker News
  • The Zany Zephyr
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Goofy Gazette
  • The Jokester Journal
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Satirical Sentinel
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Fun Times
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Ridiculous Record
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Humorous Herald
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Absurd Almanac
  • The Playful Press
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Farce Flyer
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Satire Sheet
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Amusing Announcer
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Laugh-A-Minute
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Jolly Jester
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Satirical Standard
  • The Hooting Herald
  • The Funny Forecast
  • The Guffaw Gazette
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Absurd Announcer
  • The Comic Chronicle
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Cheerful Courier
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Wacky Wire
  • The Fun Files
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Laugh-A-Day Ledger
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Silly Sheet
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Funny Fax
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Snicker News
  • The Comedic Chronicle
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Laughing Ledger

These names are designed to add a touch of humor and whimsy, perfect for creating a memorable and entertaining fake newspaper.

Funny Made-Up Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Doodle
  • The Chuckle Courier
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Wacky Wire
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Quirk Quotient
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Comic Chronicle
  • The Absurd Announcer
  • The Funny Flyer
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Jocular Journal
  • The Amusing Almanac
  • The Farce Flyer
  • The Laugh-a-Lot Ledger
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Playful Press
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Silly Standard
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Jesting Journal
  • The Satirical Sheet
  • The Funny Files
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Goofy Gazette
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Wacky Weekly
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Hooting Herald
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Absurd Almanac
  • The Fun Times
  • The Zany Zephyr
  • The Ridiculous Record
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Satirical Sentinel
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Funny Forecast
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Silly Sheet
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Laugh-a-Minute Ledger
  • The Wacky Wire
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Amused Almanac
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Fun Files
  • The Absurd Announcer
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Mirth Monitor
  • The Satirical Standard
  • The Funny Flyer

These names are designed to be playful and inventive, perfect for any humorous or fictional publication!

Catchy Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Buzz
  • The Metro Minute
  • The Bold Bulletin
  • The Prime Post
  • The Trendy Tribune
  • The Flash Feed
  • The Urban Update
  • The Pulse Press
  • The News Nexus
  • The Daily Spotlight
  • The Peak Press
  • The Vital Voice
  • The Spotlight Sentinel
  • The Express Edition
  • The Trendy Times
  • The Current Chronicle
  • The Daily Dispatch
  • The Focus Flyer
  • The Insight Inquirer
  • The Daily Drive
  • The Sharp Sheet
  • The Pulse Paper
  • The Fresh Forecast
  • The Buzz Bulletin
  • The Urban Observer
  • The Daily Dose
  • The Vital View
  • The Trendy Tribune
  • The Rapid Review
  • The City Scoop
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Insight Index
  • The Peak Pages
  • The Quick Quota
  • The Swift Sheet
  • The Metro Memo
  • The News Now
  • The Pulse Pages
  • The Dynamic Dispatch
  • The Focused Flyer
  • The Urban Times
  • The Rapid Report
  • The Current Courier
  • The Spotlight Standard
  • The News Nexus
  • The Fresh Focus
  • The Prime Pages
  • The Trend Tracker
  • The Quick Quirk
  • The Bold Bulletin
  • The Swift Scoop
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The City Chronicle
  • The Rapid Record
  • The Metro Minute
  • The Trendy Times
  • The Urban Update
  • The Insight Inquirer
  • The Pulse Post
  • The Dynamic Daily
  • The Fresh Front
  • The Daily Drift
  • The Quick Quill
  • The Spotlight Story
  • The Current Chronicle
  • The Swift Sentinel
  • The News Nook
  • The Peak Paper
  • The Trend Tracker
  • The Buzz Bulletin
  • The Fresh Flyer
  • The Bold Bulletin
  • The Urban Uplink
  • The Daily Drive
  • The Vital View
  • The Express Edition
  • The Insight Issue
  • The Metro Memo
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Quick Quota
  • The Pulse Press
  • The City Scoop
  • The Rapid Review
  • The Trendy Tribune
  • The Spotlight Sentinel
  • The Fresh Front
  • The Swift Sheet
  • The Bold Beacon
  • The Urban Update
  • The Focused Flyer

These names combine a sense of immediacy and relevance with a catchy, engaging flair that can make any newspaper stand out.

Funny School Newspaper Names

  • The Schoolyard Scoops
  • The Class Clown Chronicle
  • The Homework Herald
  • The Giggling Gazette
  • The Desk Doodles Daily
  • The Scholarly Shenanigans
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Study Break Bulletin
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Student Snickers
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Quirky Quarterly
  • The Playful Post
  • The Academic Amusement
  • The Classroom Chuckles
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Fun Files
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Laugh Lines
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Smiling Schoolpaper
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Classroom Capers
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Wacky Weekly
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Scholastic Shenanigans
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Laugh-A-Lot Ledger
  • The Sassy School Scoop
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Study Shenanigans
  • The Prankster Post
  • The Silly School Sheet
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Funny Files
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Class Clown Courier
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Joyful Journal
  • The Comic Classroom
  • The Playful Pages
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Ridiculous Record
  • The Laugh-a-Minute Ledger
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Funny Forecast
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Class Clown Chronicle
  • The Lively Ledger
  • The Hilarious Highlighter
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Amusing Announcer
  • The Classroom Comic
  • The Quirky Quotient
  • The Silly School Sheet
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Laugh Lines
  • The Student Shenanigans
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Prankster Pages
  • The Fun Forum
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Classroom Chronicles
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Sassy School Scoop

These names are designed to inject a bit of humor and fun into a school newspaper, making it more engaging and entertaining for students and faculty alike.

Good Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Chronicle
  • The Metropolitan Times
  • The Global Gazette
  • The National Review
  • The City Journal
  • The Sentinel
  • The Prime Post
  • The Heritage Herald
  • The Daily Record
  • The Horizon Herald
  • The Tribune
  • The Standard
  • The Morning Star
  • The Evening Times
  • The News Observer
  • The Regional Review
  • The Capital Courier
  • The Daily Bulletin
  • The Weekly Review
  • The National Observer
  • The Frontier Flyer
  • The Public Press
  • The Daily Dispatch
  • The State Times
  • The Independent Journal
  • The Metro Monitor
  • The Capital Chronicle
  • The Urban Update
  • The National News
  • The Daily Post
  • The Local Ledger
  • The City Times
  • The Beacon
  • The Evening Herald
  • The Federal News
  • The National Ledger
  • The World News
  • The State Sentinel
  • The City Gazette
  • The Central Courier
  • The Daily Examiner
  • The Public Ledger
  • The State Chronicle
  • The Daily Review
  • The Local Observer
  • The Metropolitan Memo
  • The National Times
  • The Daily Herald
  • The News Tribune
  • The City Chronicle
  • The Daily Insight
  • The Regional Record
  • The Capital Times
  • The Independent Review
  • The Urban Journal
  • The Prime Pages
  • The City Dispatch
  • The Daily Beacon
  • The National Update
  • The Regional Register
  • The Public Journal
  • The Local Times
  • The Federal Chronicle
  • The Metro Review
  • The National Gazette
  • The Capital Register
  • The City Observer
  • The Urban Courier
  • The Regional Herald
  • The Daily Insight
  • The State Journal
  • The Evening Update
  • The National Ledger
  • The City Post
  • The Capital Herald
  • The Regional Bulletin
  • The Daily Update
  • The Federal Review
  • The Public Times
  • The City Review
  • The National Beacon
  • The Regional Times
  • The Metro Pages
  • The Daily Tribune
  • The Urban Ledger
  • The State Register
  • The City Chronicle
  • The Daily Monitor
  • The National Examiner
  • The Federal Journal

These names are designed to convey a sense of professionalism and reliability, suitable for a variety of news publications.

Popular Funny Newspaper Names

  • The Daily Chuckle
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Mirthful Monitor
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Comic Courier
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Fun Files
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Laugh-A-Lot Ledger
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Playful Post
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Cheeky Chronicle
  • The Absurd Almanac
  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Sassy Scoop
  • The Amusing Almanac
  • The Prankster Post
  • The Snicker News
  • The Joyful Journal
  • The Comic Chronicle
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Wacky Wire
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Joking Journal
  • The Fun Forum
  • The Mirth Monthly
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Class Clown Courier
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Silly School Sheet
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Comedic Courier
  • The Smiling Sentinel
  • The Ticklish Times
  • The Jesting Journal
  • The Hilarious Herald
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Playful Pages
  • The Ridiculous Register
  • The Sassy School Scoop
  • The Comic Classroom
  • The Whimsical Wire
  • The Funny Files
  • The Giggly Gazette
  • The Lively Ledger
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Amused Announcer
  • The Prankster Pages
  • The Smirk Sheet
  • The Mirthful Monthly
  • The Laugh Lines
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Jolly Journal
  • The Funny Forecast
  • The Quirky Quota
  • The Cheerful Chronicle
  • The Hoot Herald
  • The Class Clown Chronicle
  • The Droll Dispatch
  • The Ridiculous Review
  • The Jovial Journal
  • The Lighthearted Ledger
  • The Laugh-A-Minute Ledger
  • The Funny Forum
  • The Playful Press
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Laughable Ledger
  • The Quirky Quip
  • The Comedic Chronicle
  • The Joyful Journal
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Humorous Herald
  • The Ticklish Tribune
  • The Smiling Sheet
  • The Witty Wire
  • The Amusing Almanac

These names are designed to add a humorous twist to any publication, making them memorable and engaging for readers.


In conclusion, funny newspaper names inject a dose of humor into the world of journalism, making news more engaging and enjoyable. By incorporating witty wordplay and creative twists, these names stand out and capture readers’ attention. As a unique element in media, they not only enhance the appeal of news stories but also contribute to a more entertaining and memorable news experience.


A newspaper name is considered funny when it uses clever wordplay, puns, or humorous references. The humor often comes from a play on words or a light-hearted twist on traditional news titles.

Funny newspaper names can attract more readers by grabbing their attention and making them curious. A humorous or clever title can stand out in a crowded market and create a memorable first impression.

Funny newspaper names are best suited for publications with a focus on entertainment, lifestyle, or local news. They might not be appropriate for serious news outlets or those focusing on hard news where a more traditional approach is preferred.

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